
Discover the World of Vaporizers and Accessories at INHALE
Welcome to INHALE – your go-to destination for the best flame-powered vaporizers and accessories. Our iconic models, the Vapman Click and the Lotus Vaporizer Kit, represent unmatched quality, intense flavor, and sustainable enjoyment. Whether you’re starting your vaping journey or are an experienced connoisseur, we have everything you need to perfect your ritual.


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54 products

Lotus vaporizer kit - MapleLotus vaporizer kit - Maple
cleaning brush vapman INHALE accessories
Sale price€9,00
concentrate pad lotus acessories INHALE vaporizersconcentrate pad lotus acessories INHALE vaporizers
Sale price€15,00
herb container vapman
vapcase vapman vaporizervapcase vapman vaporizer
Sale price€45,00
Sold out
vapcase vapman vaporizervapcase vapman vaporizer
heating element vapman , inhale vaporizersheating element vapman , inhale vaporizers
Vapman Click - Classic Amaranth WoodVapman Click - Classic Amaranth Wood
Lotus hard case, VAPORIZER ACCESSORIE, Uncategorized, I N H A L ELotus hard case, VAPORIZER ACCESSORIE, Uncategorized, I N H A L E
Sale price€35,00
vapcase vapman vaporizervapcase vapman vaporizer
standart case vapman
Vapman wood mouthpiece - OliveVapman wood mouthpiece - Olive
14mm bowl adapter lotus14mm bowl adapter lotus
Sale price€39,00
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Lotus cap - WalnutLotus cap - Walnut
Sale price€109,00
vapman 2.0 middle piecevapman 2.0 middle piece
Sale price€59,00
vapcase vapman vaporizer vapcase vapman vaporizer
Sale price€45,00
olive cap lotus vaporizerolive cap lotus vaporizer
Sale price€109,00
vapcase vapman vaporizervapcase vapman vaporizer
Sale price€45,00
Vapman middle-piece - SatinwoodVapman middle-piece - Satinwood
Vapman Click - Classic Amaranth Wood (Copperbrown)Vapman Click - Classic Amaranth Wood (Copperbrown)
 standart case vapman
 standart case vapman
Sale price€15,00
 standart case vapman
Sale price€15,00
standart case vapman
Sale price€15,00